+51- 995 168 912 +51 - 984 911 033

 andeanhiking@hotmail.com | andeanhikingteam@gmail.com

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About us

Dear Friends:

Receive our warmest greetings from Peru.

ANDEAN HIKING TOUR OPERATOR, Travel and Tourism Agency puts at your disposal our range of travel options on our Website as a work tool in which we offer guaranteed services for greater well-being and pleasure in the realization of the different trips to our country

Peru, is a country of great cultural diversity, where passengers enjoy beautiful landscapes, different climates, great beaches, as well as the world famous Peruvian cuisine.

Our receptive tourism division has created products oriented to satisfy 100% expectations, as well as the needs of each of our passengers, family vacations, business trips, group tours, honeymoon, ecotourism, mountaineering, experiential tourism as well as special programs for both young people and the elderly.

Our work team, staff, specialized guides and our fully equipped transport fleet are expected to provide a personalized service, competitive prices and a pleasant experience that you never forgot

Our work team

The availability of writing services adds a valuable dimension to the educational landscape.
These services, such as hausarbeit ghostwriter gesucht not only aid students in meeting deadlines but also provide insights into effective writing techniques.
They serve as a supplement to classroom learning, offering a different perspective and enhancing the overall educational experience.

Andean Hiking brings together the best highly trained guides with extensive experience, some of our guides are:


Diego ChoqueOfficial Tourism Guide


+51 998 123 456

Lo que deberías saber del Cusco

Lorem Ipsum es simplemente el texto de relleno de las imprentas y archivos de texto. Lorem Ipsum ha sido el texto de relleno estándar de las industrias desde el año 1500,

Festividad de la Virgen del Carmen – Paucartambo

Festividad de la Virgen del Carmen – Paucartambo

La festividad de la Virgen del Carmen en Paucartambo Cusco, es una celebración que convoca a muchos feligreses y...

28 Sep. 2018

Andean Hiking

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Basílica de la virgen de la Asunción

Basílica de la virgen de la Asunción

La Catedral del Cuzco o Catedral Basílica de la Virgen de la Asunción es el principal templo de la...

28 Sep. 2018

Andean Hiking

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Chincheros: arte sacro y tejidos

Chincheros: arte sacro y tejidos

Hace unas semanas tuve la oportunidad de recorrer la mágica ciudad de Cusco. Gracias a esta escapada, una de...

28 Sep. 2018

Andean Hiking

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Ocho motivos para visitar la Amazonía

Ocho motivos para visitar la Amazonía

La selva peruana, una de nuestras tres regiones naturales, encierra un sin número de secretos y encantos. Espesos bosques,...

28 Sep. 2018

Andean Hiking

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